
- what is this website even for?

hi! this website is for reading my comic that im working on! right now things are a mess, so theres really not much at all thats up. my goal is to share my comic with people and hopfully gain some sort of a fanbase for these characters ive loved so dearly for so many years. ive spent 3 years of my life planning out this story in my head and finally after all this time, im actually fully making this comic!

- so whats the plot about?

ill have to re write this better another time, but in the shortest possible way, the story is about trauma and healing, reconnecting with the people you love, losing whats important to you, mental health and ghosts :)

- when is the comic coming out!?

tell me when you figure it out, it will be news to me

- who is the big boobie lady you are throwing everywhere

thats tiff! she is not the main character shes just my favorite in the entire world