
hello, you have come at an inopurtune time! the comic is nowhere near done, only started. and even the first chapter is far from finnished, but the pages that are done are up! also the website is in shambles. but if you like the look of how things are, you should stick around! ill be here. im working on putting everything together, but im a bit stupid. im new at coding, new enough for everything to be a bit wonky. but ive got big plans B)



  • 18
  • oh canada
  • horrible at coding
  • eats scabs
  • good at art
  • thats about it

hi! im killian/ spiltkilk. im currently learning how to code in html and css, in the future ill pick up javascript but for now this is what we're working with. if you havent noticed yet, i cant spell, use propper grammar, or generally write in propper sentances to save my life. sorry but youll have to get used to that, 12 years of school couldnt fix me, i am not changing!

anyways. im currently working on a comic about my characters. eventually ill upload the first chapter when its finnished! thats going to take a solid while. until then, you can click around and enjoy the many "this page doesnt exist yet" screens, because this website is a baby. thanks for clicking on my site!